60th birthday invitation

It's almost time for the party!

Recherchez-vous une 100% customizable pour vos invitations d'anniversaire des 60 ans ?

« Hé bien ! Qu'est-ce que cela, soixante ans !... C'est la fleur de l’âge cela, et vous entrez maintenant dans la belle saison de l'homme. » écrivait Molière dans sa célèbre pièce L'Avare

Autrement dit… Et si la vie commençait à 60 years ? À cet âge, tout semble possible ! La fin de la vie active est pour bientôt. Avec l’arrivée de la retraite, une nouvelle aventure commencera alors pour vous. Vous pourrez choisir de profiter de votre temps libre pour profiter de votre famille et de vos amis, pour partir au bout du monde et réaliser tous les voyages dont vous avez toujours rêvé, ou encore vous accomplir dans de nouvelles passions. En bref, il s'agit là du plus beaux des âges.

Et si vous accueillez le nouveau cap que représente la soixantaine dignement ? Afin de célébrer ce nouveau tournant comme il se doit, n’hésitez pas à inviter tous les gens que vous aimez, quitte à réunir toutes les générations ! Amis d’enfance et plus proches amis, enfants et petits enfants… Marquez le coup pour vos 60 years de façon originale, en rassemblant tout votre entourage. With Fizzer, you can create in a few clicks a invitation d'anniversaire, qui réunira tous vos proches. À vous la unforgettable 60th birthday party!  

Thanks to Fizzer

texte anniversaire soixante-dix ans

I choose the invitation card model that I like

invite friends birthday

I add a nice birthday invitation text

celebrate birthday

I surprise my guests with an original invitation card 

Want to create a unique 60th birthday invitation?

Our invitations to celebrate 60 years

To bring together all the people you love on your birthday, no secret: all you have to do is send them a pretty birthday invitation card! Our cards are designed to suit all personalities. Are you more of a wacky, melancholy, romantic nature? Whether you are a cool and trendy dad, an accomplice aunt or a sweet granny, design an invitation card in your image, with Fizzer. The little extra? Our birthday invitations are fully customizable.

Create the perfect invitation for your birthday

How to create a 60th birthday invitation with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your invitation card template

Browse through our collection of birthday cards and choose the model that suits you best. Classic or colourful, festive or refined invitation templates… Whether they evoke champagne, festive drinks or family reunions, all our adult invitation card designs call for celebration and joy! 

adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your own photos

Once you have chosen your card template, you can add your most beautiful moments spent with your loved ones. Family dinners, birthdays with friends... Make your loved ones want to come and toast with you for your 60th birthday, by adding your most beautiful festive memories to your invitation card. 

personalized text with stickers

Write a nice birthday text

Fizzer invitations are creative: don't hesitate to write a little inspirational text, for even more effect! Don't forget to specify on your birthday card all the practical details related to the event: place, date, time... Don't forget to sign your card and put a nice personalized stamp on it. 

send fizzer postcard with envelope

Send your invitation in a few clicks

Once your order has been confirmed and the list of your recipients has been added, our teams take care of the logistics! Within 24 working hours, Fizzer will take care of printing, putting in an envelope, franking and posting your beautiful birthday invitations.


Celebrating your 60th birthday is an opportunity to organize an unforgettable birthday party. After all, you only turn 60 once! Mark this magnificent age with a birthday invitation card in his image, with Fizzer. 


Need help? Questions? The Fizzer team will respond within 24h even on Sundays!

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produits fizzer personnalisés

Turning 60 is sometimes the ultimate opportunity to give meaning to your life. For some, it's an opportunity to get out of their routine and tackle new projects. For others, it's just about enjoying loved ones to the fullest. Whatever your state of mind, be sure to welcome this beautiful event with great fanfare. 

Comment faire soi-même une carte d'invitation d'anniversaire ?

Would you like to create an original birthday invitation? With Fizzer, it's child's play! Simply launch our application on the device of your choice: phone (Android and iOS), computer or tablet. Then create your Fizzer account by filling in some basic information. Choose the credit pack that suits you best, depending on your number of guests. There you go: you can then embark on inspired creations. In just a few clicks, your personalized birthday invitations will be being prepared in our workshop! 

Where to celebrate your 60th birthday?

There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate a 60th birthday. Whether you celebrate this beautiful event with great fanfare or in small groups, the important thing is to make you happy. Opt for a place that suits you, and that will lend itself perfectly to the number of guests, of course. For more convenience, you can opt for the restaurant option. Some are even privatized! If, on the other hand, you want a more friendly or intimate atmosphere, do not hesitate to organize it at home, or in your country house. 

Who to invite for his 60th birthday?

For such an occasion, the limit is that of your imagination! The list of your guests should bring together all the people who are important to you: closest friends and family, close and distant cousins, in-laws and longtime friends... This is a unique event that marks an important turning point. for you. Do not hesitate, for the occasion, to invite relatives residing in more distant lands. For your 60th birthday, they will make the trip! 

Quelle invitation choisir pour un 60e anniversaire ?

On rêve tous d'invitations avec une jolie dorure fine et délicate pour convier ses proches. C'est en effet un joli présent. Lorsque vous choisissez votre produit Fizzer pour vos invitations, vous définissez vous-même la couleur de votre carte selon les thèmes existants, ainsi que les photos qui y figureront. Vous devez donc choisir avant tout un thème qui vous plaît. C'est simple et rapide à réaliser ! Le grain fin et délicat permet une personnalisation à l'infini de vos cartons d'invitation, ainsi qu'une photo imprimée de bonne qualité. Nos papiers sont issus des usines Clairefontaine. La livraison de votre produit est rapide, selon les délais de La Poste.


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Customizable at will


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