Birthday text for child

Cute ideas for girls and boys

Vous voulez rédiger un texte d'anniversaire pour enfant. Tout est prêt : la carte, le crayon (ou l'app Fizzer), les photos... Mais les mots vous manquent. Pas de panique ! Nous avons sous le coude des exemples de messages à envoyer pour souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire à votre progéniture, quel que soit son âge. Une seule chose à faire : chausser des lunettes (ou pas) et découvrir nos magnifiques messages d'anniversaire enfant présents sur cette page. Et pour l'occasion, ne manquez pas de lui envoyer une jolie carte personnalisée !

birthday card for friends

Birthday card

  • postcard format (10x15 cm) or event card (14x14 cm);
  • Customizable to suit your preferences ; ✏️

  • Envelope included 💌

  • Printed in France. 🇬🇧

From 1,80 €.

Make their eyes bright with joy with a magical text ! ✨

When you have to write a birthday text to a child,you need to find words adapted to his age. It is also necessary to write a text that makes them happy and that marks the occasion, because it is celebrated! By creating a personalized card, you offer a testimony of love. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, friend, uncle or aunt, you would like to write a message that is up to the task. The little extra? If it expresses warm feelings, with creative images. It is in itself a beautiful attention that can accompany your giftwhile preserving the world of children makes dreams and laughter, we wrote 11 pretty childish texts for toddlers and adults who who blow out their candles. Discover their magic !

How to send your photos by card with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your best photos

Capture beautiful moments with your kids, choose a template and personalize your postcard with your own photos, or with photos of the newborn baby!


adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your message to your card

Once your photos are added, color your text and select the font of your choice. Personalize your stamp with a photo and sign with your fingertip!

personalized text with stickers

Select one or more recipients

Sending a card with Fizzer means having the opportunity to please the whole family! Add your contacts to your address book and select one or more recipients for the same card.


send fizzer postcard with envelope

Make people happy with a card in your image

Your card is stamped and sent in an envelope to protect your words and photos. Thus, your loved ones discover a real postcard in their mailbox, worthy of being displayed on the fridge!


11 text ideas for a child’s birthday

This may not be your first Fizzer postcard. You may even be familiar with our services. If you regularly use our personalized cards during your holidays, do you know, on the other hand, the other occasions where we can use Fizzer? We celebrate all types of everyday events, such as birthdays. You can, for example, invite your guests to a birthday via an «invitation» card, or wish a happy birthday to your loved ones, adults and children, thanks to our birthday postcard. And, as inspiration is sometimes lacking to show originality in his text, Fizzer accompanies you in your writing. What's more important than finding a beautiful child birthday message ? But then, which text to adopt to wish a happy birthday to his son, to his daughter, or to his grandchildren? What to write depending on whether we send our wishes for a happy birthday boy or for a girl? Here are eleven ideas of texts to write on your card to wish a happy birthday to a kid.

1. You grow so fast

“My (not so) little [first name to be inserted], how you have grown! It seems to me that just yesterday you were 50 centimeters tall. And yet, you are already so tall today. I'm proud of you when I see how far you've come and I can't wait to see how far you have left to go. In the meantime, I wish you a happy birthday my sweet son, up to your height and that of your expectations. [signature to be inserted]. »

2. Life has so many beautiful things in store for you

« Mon/ma [prénom à insérer] adoré·e, joyeux anniversaire !!! En ce jour si spécial, je te souhaite plein de bonheur, de joie et de réussite pour la suite. Tu es encore tout·e jeune, et il te reste beaucoup de découvertes à faire. La vie te réserve tant de belles choses ! J’ai hâte d’être là avec toi lors d’une partie de celles-ci. Aie confiance en tout ce que l’avenir te réserve. Gros bisous de [signature à insérer] ! »

3. Some pictures of you as a child

« Joyeux anniversaire, mon/ma cher·e [prénom à insérer] ! Aujourd’hui c’est ton grand jour, il faut que tu fasses un vœu ! Quoi de mieux pour célébrer l’épatant·e garçon/fille que tu es devenu·e, que quelques petites photos ? Il me semble que tu ne connais pas ces images de toi, quand tu étais si petit·e. Ce sont des souvenirs chers à mes yeux et j’ai décidé de les partager avec toi aujourd’hui. En me réjouissant de te revoir vite, [signature à insérer]. »

4. You reached your first two-digit age ten years ago.

« Joyeux anniversaire mon/ma grand·e ! À sept ans, c’était l’âge de raison, aujourd’hui tu entres dans la dizaine. C’est ton premier âge à deux chiffres ! Et ça, ce n’est pas rien. À ton âge, j’étais très fier·e d’avoir dix ans. J’espère que ce sera ton cas également aujourd’hui. En tout cas, tu as de quoi. Je t’envoie plein de gros bisous et te dis à tout bientôt. [Nom à insérer]. »

5. Enjoy, you still have your whole life!

“Happy birthday my dear [first name to be inserted]! [Age to be inserted] years old already! One more number for a big boy/girl who is always more awesome. All these figures may seem impressive, but on the contrary, they are a sign that you are growing and that you are making your way. Take advantage of all these beautiful moments my heart, and rejoice, you still have your whole life ahead of you! Tender kisses from [signature to be inserted]. »

Ready to wish them a happy birthday?

6. I remember you as if it were yesterday

“Dear [first name to be inserted], I wish you an excellent birthday! I remember you like it was yesterday, making your treehouses and building your sandcastles. Who knows, maybe there is a future architect in you? Only one way to find out, keep moving forward like you do. Big hugs from [signature to insert]. »

7. A little bird told me

« Surprise ! Mon petit doigt m’a dit que c’était l’anniversaire de quelqu’un de très spécial aujourd’hui… Mais, de qui peut-il bien s’agir ? De toi, pardi ! Eh oui mon/ma grand·e, c’est ta journée ! Tu ne croyais quand même pas que j’allais t’oublier ? Je te souhaite un merveilleux anniversaire ! Grosses bises et à très vite de [signature à insérer] »

8. Eighteen and still all your teeth

« Dix-huit ans et encore toutes tes dents ! Et ce n’était pas gagné avec toutes les cascades que tu nous as faites pendant ton enfance. Alors joyeux anniversaire et félicitations pour ton arrivée à l’âge adulte en une pièce ! En tout cas, continue à croquer la vie à pleines dents comme tu le fais. Gros bisous de papa et maman. Joyeux anniversaire mon fils ! »

9. You are now of age

« Ça y est, tes dix-huit ans tant attendus sont enfin là ! Joyeux anniversaire mon [prénom à insérer] fils ! Tu es aujourd’hui majeur·e et c’est là un sacré cap que tu franchis. J’ai hâte de voir tout ce que tu vas accomplir par la suite. En tout cas, sache que les possibilités sont infinies. Grosses bises mon/ma grand·e ! [signature à insérer]. »

10. My eternal birthday card

“Happy birthday my/my [first name to be inserted]! You've grown a lot, but there are some things that don't change. And yes, as tradition dictates, here is my eternal birthday card. I want to congratulate you for the person you have become, and to wish you the best for all that you have yet to undertake. Very affectionately, [signature to be inserted]. »

11. Happy birthday my son

“It has already been xx years since you were born and yet it feels like yesterday. I remember your birth perfectly and for good reason: it was the happiest day of our lives. So here it is, through these words, I want to wish a happy birthday to my son ! [signature to be inserted]

Texte anniversaire douze ans

Delivery information

When you create a postcard, your order is processed within 24 business hours. Then, the Post Office takes over for delivery:

  • France and Europe: 2 to 6 working days
  • USA, Canada and Australia: 4 to 12 working days
  • Other destinations: 1 to 3 weeks

Product Information

  • Postcard format (10x15 cm - horizontal), premium card (15x10 cm - vertical) or greeting card (14x14 cm);
  • Postcard and premium card format : front/back, greeting card : 4 pages
  • paper postcard 330 g / greeting paper 280 g / premium card paper 300g ;
  • Envelope: included
  • Shipping costs : included worldwide
  • All products made in France 🇬🇧

Want to create your personalized birthday card?


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Since 2014

2 millions
Fizzer Fanatics

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More than

3 million

per year

produits fizzer personnalisés

Already more inspired thanks to our texts forchildren's birthdays ? To your pens to write the perfect birthday card that will make one happy for sure. But don't stop there in your creativity! Why not, for example, organize a birthday party for the child to whom you have just sent your card? find here our tips for success! Success guaranteed.

To organize your ideas and keep some of them aside, do not hesitate to create your boards on Pinterest. So, what texts would you choose to wish a child's birthday?

And if not… can we answer your questions? 🤓

How to wish happy birthday to your son, to your child?

So many things are possible! 😊 Invite your friends at home, organize an outing to the Trampoline Park, choose a nice book, or even write a nice birthday card to wish him a beautiful day.

What kind of message to write on a child's birthday card?

A small message that conveys your affection for this child will be perfect. Whether it's a classic, humorous or flirty message, it will always be a delight, especially if it's made with love and personalized. If you are lacking inspiration, you can also use the texts that we offer and copy/paste them directly into your future birthday card.

What card for a happy birthday to my son, grandson, daughter or granddaughter?

Whatever their age, whatever their tastes, Fizzer offers birthday cards for children, to personalize. Plus, they're easy to make! Go to the Fizzer application for your first creations. 🌸

Are there Fizzer cards for a happy birthday boy?

Yes, and there are lots of different designs, for all tastes and for all ages. Do not hesitate to consult them directly in our boy birthday cards !


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


Quick delivery