Album Photo de Mariage

Votre amour, en images.

Welcome » wedding photo album
personalized couple photo album

Existe-t-il mieux qu'un livre photo personnalisé pour raconter votre mariage en images ? Revivez vos souvenirs les plus précieux de cette journée en réunissant vos plus belles photos de mariage en un seul album.

  • Une interface de crĂ©ation simple, intuitive et personnalisable.
  • Jusqu’à 98 pages de souvenirs (soit 468 photos maximum !)
  • PossibilitĂ© de choisir une couverture souple ou rigide.
  • Un format unique : pas de longues heures Ă  choisir entre portrait ou paysage. Notre album est carrĂ©, au format 21x21cm.
  • Papier photo de qualitĂ©, comme on aime.
  • ImprimĂ© en France, dans notre usine prĂšs de Grenoble.
  • Un design minimaliste, parfait pour orner vos Ă©tagĂšres.

À partir de 10 crĂ©dits.

Créez LE livre photo de votre union !

Les détails de notre livre photo de mariage

celebrate a wedding with album

Ouvrez votre album photo aux cĂŽtĂ©s de votre famille ou de vos amis. Emportez-les dans les souvenirs de cette journĂ©e extraordinaire de votre vie. GrĂące Ă  ses dimensions uniques, notre livre photo vend du rĂȘve :

  • un format idĂ©al en 21x21 cm 📐
  • une couverture rigide ou souple, pour un album Ă  feuilleter Ă  plat, ou pas. 💌
  • 26 Ă  98 pages personnalisables Ă  100% ✏
  • un livre de mariage qui ne ressemble qu’à vous ✹
  • une qualitĂ© made in France.

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur notre beau livre photos ? Des détails croustillants de notre album photo personnalisé sont disponibles. Ils vous aideront à choisir notamment la couverture qui convient le mieux à vos besoins.

create wedding photo album
celebrate wedding in photos
unique wedding keepsakes

Collectez les plus belles photos de votre union et de vos invités

Your wedding day is one of the most memorable moments of your life. Treasure these memories in a beautiful object. Whether you organized an intimate ceremony or a big family celebration, this great moment in your life has been immortalized with beautiful photographs. Highlight the work of your wedding photographer and the most beautiful photos of your loved ones, in an original photo album! Exchange of vows and wedding rings, kiss of the newlyweds, reception, evening... Gather all the highlights of this very special day in a customizable scrapbook top of the line.

Feuilletez votre album photo de mariage au gré de vos envies

Some great moments have a taste of eternity. By creating a photo book, you can relive that big day forever, and keep your memories intact. Do you lack creativity to create your beautiful album? Our collection of photo books with elegant and refined designs will inspire you. With Fizzer, you can create the wedding photo book of your dreams in just a few clicks. 

Craquez pour notre livre photo ! 💔

Comment créer votre album photo mariage avec Fizzer ?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your wedding photo album

Create a photo album online, thanks to our creation software. You will have the choice between a soft or hard cover, and a varnished or matte photo paper. Whatever your option, we assure you of high quality paper. For a timeless look, you can also count on our classic and elegant designs. 

adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add the most beautiful photos of this day

Highlight the magical moments of your wedding, by adding the most memorable photos. A photo album must capture the essence of the wedding: favor quality photos! 

personalized text with stickers

Pay attention to your layout

You can add up to 8 photos per page. By a system ofdrag and drop”, swipe your favorite photos in one swipe. For even more customization, feel free to add captions under the photos. 

send fizzer postcard with envelope

Send your wedding book

Once your wedding photo album is complete, all you have to do is add your postal address to receive it! If you want to share all these precious memories with your loved ones, add their contact details when defining the recipients! 

3 conseils pour réussir vos photos de mariage

  1. Do not take the choice of photographer lightly! After the ceremony, the wedding photos are the only concrete thing that will remain. It is important to capture your memories properly. Feel free to browse the wedding photographer's portfolio and his Instagram feed to assess his work and his paste.

  2. Trust him! If he is talented, he will be able to immortalize the most important moments while being discreet. The most beautiful wedding photos are the most spontaneous.

  3. Do not hesitate to meet the wedding photographer before making your decision. A good photographer knows how to put guests at ease, an essential condition for obtaining beautiful natural photos.

Collectez vos plus belles photos souvenirs !



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Tout savoir sur notre album photo de mariage

Aux grandes occasions, les beaux albums ! Un mariage est l’évĂšnement d’une vie, marquant le dĂ©but d’une belle aventure. AprĂšs avoir vĂ©cu un fabuleux voyage de noces et entamĂ© une nouvelle vie Ă  deux, il est temps d’immortaliser votre cĂ©rĂ©monie de mariage. Optez pour un album photo Ă  la fois original et indĂ©modable. Si vous avez besoin d'informations plus prĂ©cises sur nos livres photos de mariage, nous vous rĂ©pondons en quelques mots. Voici nos rĂ©ponses Ă  vos questions les plus frĂ©quentes.

What should I put in my wedding photo album?

Un album photo est conçu pour cĂ©lĂ©brer tous vos plus beaux moments. Portraits de famille, photos de groupe, photo de votre couple, moments-clĂ©s de la cĂ©rĂ©monie
 Mettez en lumiĂšre les moments forts de votre cĂ©rĂ©monie ! N’hĂ©sitez pas, aussi, Ă  ajouter quelques lĂ©gendes sous les photos. Plus qu’un simple album photo, il s’agit lĂ  d’un beau livre de mariage. Pensez Ă  y inscrire, aussi, la date de l'Ă©vĂšnement ! Le format carrĂ© est disponible tous les jours, sans limite. Sa qualitĂ© premium assure une bonne dĂ©finition Ă  vos images. Pas de format paysage ou portrait Ă  choisir : il est en format unique 21x21 cm. À la fois simple et rapide Ă  crĂ©er, l'album Fizzer est idĂ©al pour compiler vos plus beaux moments de cette journĂ©e sacrĂ©e !

How much does a wedding album cost? 

To create a memorable photo book, don't hesitate to pay the price! It is a beautiful object, which is preciously preserved, and will cross the generations.

A standard 24-page photo album is worth 10 credits. Depending on your options, this price may increase. It takes +5 credits for a hard cover (and not flexible), +2 credits for a matte finish (and not glossy), and +5 credits for a glossy paper (instead of a classic high quality paper).

With Fizzer, you are guaranteed to receive a quality wedding book! 


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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