Texts for Wedding announcements: the complete guide

Spread the news with a personalized text

Welcome » Text Wedding Announcement

You've recently lived an unforgettable moment: your proposal. You said "Yes!" and since then, you're over the moon thinking about the big day's organization. We get it! You've already looked at gowns and suits, chosen a location and the most beautiful Pinterest decorations, tasted the food... There's still a few steps left: you need to invite your loved ones to your ceremony. If you've already established your guest list, you might still need a bit of inspiration to write the text on your wedding announcement. Don't panic! Fizzer helps you find the good structure and the correct tone, as well as the best messages to share the news with humour, with love, for any kind of ceremony. So, take your very best pen to create a beautiful wedding announcement!

Text structure for your wedding announcement

What should you say on your wedding announcement? Are there codes to go by? In what order should the different parts appear? How to be sure to not forget any crucial information before sending it to the guests? Don't panic, Fizzer tells you everything about the perfect structure for your wedding announcement texts. Here are the mentions to add, in order (for France!):

  • The name of the married couple generally in bold letters, on the front of your wedding announcement. Traditionally, the bride's name comes first, before the groom's name (but it's up to you to choose).
  • A quick introduction like "we have the pleasure to let you know" or "we are so happy to invite you". You can personalize it, with the tone you like!
  • The time and place of the event are next. If your special event lasts 2 days, let your guests know later, when you let them know about sleeping accommodations.
  • The locations should be mentioned next. Usually, you start by sharing the location of the ceremonyThe locations should be shared next. Usually, you should share where the ceremony will be held, then where the reception will be. You can add the corresponding times for each specific event. réception. Vous pouvez mêler ces informations à celles des heures correspondantes.
  • Any additional information should be mentioned if needed: a dress code, a map to access the location, possible sleeping accommodations in the area.
  • Add an RSVP date, and a contact address (email, phone number, or postal address depending on your preference) so that your guests can let you know if they will be there.
  • If you want, you can also add a quote, a sentence, lyrics from a song that resonates with the both of you.

We're all set! Now, you just have to put pen to paper and write your wedding announcement texts. It's best to write your text once you have chosen the design for your card. Often, the design has text constraints. With Fizzer, wedding announcements are simple to create, because the text is inserted in a bloc on the back of your card. Your first names can however be mentioned on the front of the card, close to your beautiful pictures!

Which tone should you use to spread the news?

The tone to use for a wedding announcement isn't always easy to determine. The best is to stay true to yourselves!

Here are a few tone ideas you could use:

  • a classic tone. Simple, easy to write, for a 100% satisfying result that everyone will appreciate. No risks taken, and you're sure of the output!
  • an original tone. What do we mean by original? Here, you can share emotions, make your message stronger than a simple announcement. It's the perfect opportunity to show your love through your words, and to create excitement for your guests.
  • a humorous tone. Would you be ready for this option? It's not always easy to do, but why not? At least, it's different! And if the both of you are a funny pair, go for it!

Find below our most thoughtful texts for these 3 tones.

Texts for a classy & classical wedding announcement

How to send wedding thank you notes

You organized this ceremony with care and want to announce your union with elegance? Find here three proposals for texts adapted to a classic wedding invitation. Only the essential information will appear there: the name of the future spouses, the place, the date and the time of the meeting.

"Alice & Sam are very happy to invite you to their wedding qui sera célébré le 30 juin 2025 at 3.30 p.m. at the town hall of Aix-en-Provence, then at 5 p.m. in the Church of the Holy Spirit.

At the end of the ceremony, a cocktail will be served in the gardens of the Pavillon de Vendôme from 6 to 8.30PM."

"Jane and Grant invite you to celebrate their union on Saturday, July 18th 2026 in the town hall of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés. They will then have the pleasure of meeting you around a cocktail followed by dinner at the Abbey.

Please RSVP before end of April."

"After years together, we decided to take the leap. We invite you to celebrate our wedding on Saturday August 25th 2026 at the Church of the Vow of Cherbourg at 2.30PM. After the ceremony, we invite you to a cocktail in Park Emmanuel Liais at 4.30PM."

Spread the news to your loved ones!

Original wedding announcement texts

hands holding a flowery rose announcement

The classic wedding invitation text is not to your liking? This paragraph is for you. What about announcing the celebrations with a more original message? Here, discover more emotional and sympathetic texts to hit the mark with the guests. They will have only one desire: to say yes to live this moment by your side.

"We said yes! Now, what would bring us so much joy would be that you could join us for our big day! Our wedding ceremony will take place on the 8th of July 2025 at the Castle of Bois du Rocher at 4PM, and will go on until early morning. We can't wait to see you! Ronan & Thibault"

"We can say it, Cupid's arrow found us!  He united us in May 2013. And we will get married on May 30th 2025. We invite you to celebrate our wedding at the Versailles Saint-Louis church at 3:30 p.m. After the ceremony, we will continue the festivities at the Domaine de l'Ermitage at 5 p.m. Mark your calendars! Anaïs and Naïm."

"Who would have thought? After a friendship that began in preschool and our love story that started in high school, we will be getting married this summer. We are happy to invite you to join us on this very special day on June 30th 2025 at the town office of Nantes at 2.30PM. Marie and David."

Spread the love! 

Texts for a funny wedding announcement

wedding announcement

Your couple is known for their little jokes that can make anybody smile? Enjoy! Stand out with a humorous wedding invitation text. Finally, to live your marriage to the fullest, wouldn't it be enough to stay yourself?

"Meet us on June 12th 2025 at 2PM at the Cherbourg town hall. Stop. Paul and Julie will say "Yes!". Stop. Party to follow in Julie's family home. Stop. Please prepare enough space in your stomachs. Stop. No hour of end. Stop. RSVP. Stop."

"Passengers for flight number 15072020, going to the most beautiful wedding of the year, please present your passport and boarding pass to Joanne Lemarque and Mathilde Rouxel. Arrival at destination on July 15th 2025 at 2.30PM."

We are happy to announce our wedding which will take place on the 18th of May 2025 at the town hall of La Rochelle at 3PM. The good news is, we're ready to do anything for the best. The bad news is, we're also ready for the worst! We are counting on your presence on this very special day. Love, Julien and Clarisse."

Ready to start working on your wedding announcement?

Adapt your text to the type of ceremony you are hosting

You will also need to adapt your tone to the type of ceremony you have chosen to have. Are you going for a Civil partnership, a wedding at the town hall, or a religious wedding? The announcement will not be the same depending on the situation. If you are religious and your family is too, you can add psalms or verses to your announcement. If you're atheist and you've decided on a non-religious wedding, you may not want to add any religious quote, but might prefer a quote on weddings, or on love!

In any case, here are examples for your announcements, depending on the type of ceremony you will have.

Texts for a civil wedding

personalized announcement to celebrate your union

Have you opted for a civil marriage? Meet your guests at the Town Hall with a personalized wedding announcement text that reflects the theme of the event. Of course, you are free to adapt it according to the desired tone: humorous, friendly, neutral, original.

"Lola and Martin are happy to invite you to their civil union, which will be celebrated on June 16th 2025 at 1PM at the town hall of Joinville-le-Pont.

After this ceremony, the families will welcome you to a cocktail at the Jean Moulin park."

"Love is held in the most simple word: yes. We will say our vows in from of the Mayor of Cassis on July 5th 2025 at 3.30PM. We will then meet for a wine reception in the main hall of the town hall.

Alice and Clara."

"It's official, we're getting married! We're so happy to invite you to our wedding celebration on August 13th 2025 a the town hall of Lille at 3PM. Festivities will continue at the Castle of Flers starting at 5PM.

Paulo and Chloe."

Ready to send out wedding invitations?

Texts for a Civil partnership

eucalyptus square green card save the date

You have not yet crossed the threshold of marriage but, thanks to the Civil partnership, you will be more united than ever. It's official, in the eyes of the state, you're going to be a couple. So yes, the ceremony takes place quickly at the Town Hall but we are sure that some of your relatives would like to attend the event. You will say yes to each other for the first time, work together, swear to support each other. If the event doesn't need any preparation, give yourself a few minutes to create and send your personalized wedding invitations.

"On Wednesday May 5th, we will say our first "yes". The yes that will define us as a couple, yes to our Civil partnership. We invite you to join us at 2.30PM at the Biarritz town hall to live this moment by our side.

Louise and Yanis."

"We're saying goodbye to single life and housemates! On May 30th, we will be an official couple. We invite you to celebrate our Civil partnership at 11.30AM the the Rouen town hall. 

Jean and Maël."

"After 5 years of life together, we've decided to take the leap for a Civil partnership. We are happy to invite you to this event on June 10th 2025 at the Rennes town hall at 2.30PM. 

Alexandra and Gavin."


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produits fizzer personnalisés

Fizzer lets you turn your own photos into personalized keepsakes. Dig deep into your phone, gather your most beautiful memories and add them to the cards of your choice. All our cards are illustrated by Magdalena and Shirley! It's up to you to find the illustration that suits you. You create your card, Fizzer takes care of the rest: printing, putting in an envelope, postage and shipping worldwide.

What themes are available on the application?

Fizzer is not limited to wedding invitations. In the same theme, discover cards for your Save the Date but also thank you cards. Yes, after the event, and before you fly off on your honeymoon, don't forget to thank your guests for their presence, their smiles, their gifts. Fizzer is also postcards for your holidays and travels, birthday cards, birth cards, congratulations and many more!

How to personalize your wedding announcement?

It is very simple ! Connect to Fizzer via the Android or iOS app or web. Get credits, select the invitation format and then the design you like (floral, modern, classic, etc.). Add your photos, write your wedding invitation text, personalize your stamp with an image and sign with your fingertip. Select one or more recipients, confirm your invitations and it's sent. Your personalized invitations are shipped within 24 business hours worldwide, at no additional cost.

How to write an original wedding announcement text?

To invite your guests to attend the exchange of your consents, there is only one rule: be yourself. Writing a wedding invitation does not mean "being classic" and conforming to the texts that you can read at your friends' house. It's up to you to stay sober, to be original and even humorous. Thanks to Fizzer, also personalize the formatting of your text: a font and a writing color that reflect the tone used.


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