Corporate greeting cards

New Year cards for companies, craftsmen, small businesses

Welcome » corporate greeting card

Our card formats

Greeting card

4 flaps, 14 x 14 cm



double sided


carte premium faire part


Premium card

double sided

Front / Back 15 x 10 cm -  vertical

Share lovely magnetic postcards


Magnetic card

double sided

Front / Back 10 x 15 cm or 14 x 14 cm

Your greeting cards in just a few clicks

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose a format

adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your photos

personalized text with stickers

Write your wishes

send fizzer postcard with envelope

Save and hit send!

For shipments of less than 500 cards

Personalize your business cards

Delight your customers or employees by sending them a personalized card. With Fizzer, you can turn your company photos into beautiful professional cards. Choose a design created by Fizzer, add 1 to 9 photos, write your text, review and hit send! Fizzer will print stamp and ship, your cards worldwide.

Schedule your shipment

The Fizzer app makes it easy for you to plan ahead and schedule the shipment for your cards. No need to create them at the last minute, you can choose the date you want your cards to be sent! By default, the date shown is the current date, but you can change it by clicking on it and selecting your chosen mailing date. Confirm, and you're all set! Now all you have to do is wait for your cards to be delivered.

Import your contact list

To make sending your business cards easier, you can import your contacts from an Excel file.
1 Log on to your Fizzer account from the web
2 Click on the "My contacts" tab
3 Click on "Import my contacts"
4 Upload the Excel file and fill in all required columns
5 Import your Excel file in the same place

Request your invoice

Fizzer doesn't differentiate between corporate and personal accounts . If you want an invoice in the name of your company, just send an email to with your legal information to receive it.

For shipments over 500 cards

For card shipments over 500 units, you benefit from our preferential rates.

All you have to do is send us your visual (front and back) in jpeg format, as well as your contact list. We'll handle it from there! We also offer reduced rates for magazines from 50 units.

2024 unit prices, excluding VAT per unit (card, postage and envelope included, regardless of destination)


prix carte de voeux professionnel
tarif pro carte de voeux

Do you plan to send more than 500 card or over 50 magazines? Complete the form with your details and our team will send you a quote ⬇️

Our masterpieces


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Since 2014

2 millions
Fizzer Fanatics

have sent

More than

3 million

per year

produits fizzer personnalisés

The end of year: Christmas then New Year. If we like to wish a happy new year to all our loved ones, we sometimes forget to think about our professional relationships. After all, if we spend 80% of our time surrounded by our colleagues, customers, partners, our team and all the collaborators… Why not show them our gratitude? Start the year 2023 on the right foot and bring a smile to your partners' mailboxes. Are you: a large company, a small business, a start-up, a craftsman, a trader, a freelancer or an association? Give everyone you work with a personalized 100% corporate greeting card.

How to create a professional greeting card?

A year is punctuated by important events, professional successes, objectives achieved, projects that end in beauty, meetings. List the most beautiful moments of the year 2023 and find all the photos related to them: team photos, works council events, press conferences. Select the best ones and start creating your personalized professional greeting cards. Go to the Fizzer application, on web or mobile and choose your favorite Happy New Year card format. Browse our category dedicated to end of year greetings and choose your favorite card template. Add 1 to 6 photos, write your professional greeting card text and select your list of recipients. Once your creation has been validated, Fizzer prints it in the requested number of copies, franks each card and sends it in an envelope all over the world.

When should I send my corporate greeting card?

You can start writing your professional vows now! Ideally, create your corporate greetings card in advance via the app and choose a send date between the end of December 2024 and the first week of January 2025. Your cards will be delivered in time to wish you a happy new year 2025 to your customers and partners.

Who should I write my greeting cards to in 2025?

It depends on your organization and your profession. Are you part of a sales department? Send your professional greeting cards to your customers and prospects. Are you part of a marketing or press relations department? This is the time to show your presence to journalists and influencers. Are you a business leader? Thank your collaborators as well as your partners for their productivity, their loyalty, their successes. Trader? Entrepreneur ? SME? Thank and retain your best customers, with an offer adapted to your budget. Either way, a corporate greeting card will help solidify your brand image.

How to write a professional greeting card?

Many ways to write your professional vows. It all depends on the tone of your business. Make short or detail the projects that have linked you. One thing is certain, wish them a happy new year 2023 and the best, thank them for their collaboration, their trust, your successes as a team. Adopt a tone that corresponds to the image of your company. Fresh, serious, solemn, friendly: it all depends on what you have chosen

A professional greeting card that looks like your business

As we have said, a professional greeting card is a card in the image of your company. Do you need a specific 2025 greeting card template? Want to add your logo or transcribe your graphic charter on your corporate greeting card to make it an original greeting card? Contact us! At Fizzer, two illustrators imagine your future creations and will be delighted to know more about your needs.

What formula for the wishes of a company?

There are many kinds of formulas to wish a good professional year. It is generally advisable to avoid being too familiar, and to adopt rather for a friendly or classic tone. A simple Happy New Year phrase is perfect for corporate greetings. But it is also possible to opt for a small text that changes a little, which is more original and singular. Think as a team about the formula you would like to adopt with your customers, employees and partners. Once your text is ready, you can create your map or ask us to accompany you in its creation.

How to wish a happy new year in business?

A greeting card is a great way to wish a happy new year in business. Indeed, it shows that you care about your customers, partners and employees. It is also an excellent commercial gesture. However, it is also possible to opt for virtual wishes, by sending Happy New Year e-mails for example or by creating a special reduction code for this end of the year. It can also take the form of a gift for the company's partners and customers. Basically, what is important is that you wish a happy new year in accordance with the image of your company.

How to create an original corporate greeting card?

With Fizzer, it is possible to create a professional but original Happy New Year card. In our application, you can personalize your greeting card as you see fit, below 500 cards sent. Choose a theme and a format that you like, import your photos, add text, stickers and emojis. It is also possible to personalize the stamp of your Happy New Year card! If your shipment exceeds 500 cards, contact our team to decide on a model, and adapt it to your needs! In this way, your business greeting card will necessarily be original and out of the ordinary.


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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