Create your personalized photo album

Your memories page after page

Welcome » Create your personalized photo album

Personalized photo album

Gather your most beautiful moments in a high-quality photo album. Simple and fast to create, your album is personalized at will.

⏳ Looking to save some time? Our automatic page layouts save you precious minutes.

⬜️ Envie de simplicité ? Notre format unique en carré 21x21 cm vous évite l'embarras du choix.

📄 Choose your cover (hard or soft) and create up to 78 pages of memories!

From 10 credits

A collection of images for each and every moment

Dans un format unique 21x21 cm, compilez vos plus beaux moments et vos plus grandes occasions. Au fil des pages, redécouvrez les magnifiques souvenirs que vous avez en commun : vos voyages, vos mariages ou ceux de votre entourage, les naissances, ou simplement les instants vécus côte à côte. Mettez en valeur ces événements incontournables de votre vie en matérialisant vos clichés, dans un livre de photos personnalisé.

How to create a photo album with Fizzer?

There are only 4 steps to create your personalized photo album.

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose the look of your photo book.

For your square photo album, choose a soft or hard cover, select matte or glossy paper and design a front cover in your image.

adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add snapshots of your best moments.

Immerse yourself in your photos and select your favorites. Add them to your Fizzer selection and drag them onto your pages as you wish. Do you want to save time? Choose automatic layout.

personalized text with stickers

Customize the layout and final rendering of your album

Do you want to highlight one image rather than another? Choose the layout you like: 1 photo per page or more! You can add up to 6 photos per page.

send fizzer postcard with envelope

Send your personalized photo album

Your personalized photo album is finished? All you have to do is ship it. Opt for delivery to a Relay Point, at home or to a loved one for a nice surprise!

Create a personalized photo book

Choose the cover for your album

Soft or hard, it's up to you to choose the cover of your photo book, to browse through it alone, or with friends and family.

Soft cover

✧ It's soft cover enables a flat opening

✧ You choose the finish: mat or glossy, to showcase your photo album in the very best way

Light and flexible, you can manipulate and transport your album easily.

Hard cover

✧ The rigid cover is our guarantee of an album that never gets old!

✧ Thanks to its solidity, you can say goodbye to damaged covers

Mat or glossy finish, it's up to you!

Choose the paper for your photo album

The format of our photo book is unique, but its quality is non-negotiable. Choose your paper: will it be mat or glossy? Whatever your choice, quality will be spotless!

Glossy paper

✧ Perfect to brighten your images;

✧ Ideal for a more intense color payout;

✧ Is perfect for most pictures, in color or black and white.

Mat paper

✧ A soft texture to touch, a fine and regular grain;

✧ High-quality print;

✧ Makes looking through your album easier even when the light isn't great.

Keep your memories close year after year!

photo album de famille

Delivery information

When you create an album, your order is processed in 3 to 4 working days. Then, it is the delays of La Poste that apply:

  • France and Europe: 2 to 6 working days
  • USA, Canada and Australia: 4 to 12 working days
  • Other destinations: 1 to 3 weeks.

Product Information

  • Cover with durable matte lamination (optional);
  • glued square spine binding;
  • tinted flyleaf;
  • papier satiné mat avec possibilité de lui donner un aspect brillant (option) ;
  • 24 à 78 pages ;
  • maximum number of photos: 6 per page;
  • production time of 3 to 4 days.


Want to personalize your photo album?


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We answer your questions about the photo book

More than anything, you want to craft a beautiful photo album. Between selecting your picture, the layout, cropping them, adding some text and personalizing the whole lot, gathering your memories can take some time! But remember, this time spent choosing your favorite pictures is a way to remember the past. And, our photo book is big, white, square and flat: a perfect traditional gift for the whole family. (Its' color is actually perfect for a baptism photo album). But you can choose the cover and of course add your most beautiful pictures. To guide you in the creation of your photo album, Fizzer will perfectly match your needs, and we can answer all of your questions.

How do I personalize my photo album?

We all want a photo album that reflects who we truly are

  • Before starting to create your photo book, select your images. Import the very best ones into the Fizzer app. You can also choose the automatic layout option!
  • However, if you want to give personalization a chance, you can decide where each photo goes inside your album. Then, select our creation tools to crop or zoom in on your pictures.
  • Finally, write out captions underneath your pictures, in a tone that suits you. For a high-quality result, choose a well-framed shot with sufficient quality, so that the result can be spotless!
  • The final result is all yours: add emojis and colors to your texts, especially if it's a kid's photo album.
  • Since a single model is available (with various options), you can decline it depending on your occasions. For example, you can create a birth photo album when a new baby joins the family! And if you love your four-legged friends, don't hesitate to make a photo book of your pets.
  • Why not create a before and after of the works you did in your home, with a home photo book ? You can easily create a photo album online with your own photos.

If it's a gift, send it to your loved ones directly! If you want to slip it in some lovely wrapping paper, send it to your house to give it directly to your loved ones when you see them. See, creating a photo album with Fizzer is easy as pie!

What is the best website to quickly create an online photo album?

The Fizzer app is the ideal solution to create beautiful photo products. Black and white pictures, pictures with the whole family or of your youngest child... everything's possible.

La garantie de la simplicité et de la rapidité de notre album photo ? Chez nous, il n'existe pas 40 000 choix qui vous feront perdre votre temps, si précieux. Pas besoin de réfléchir des heures à quel modèle conviendra le mieux ! Notre album carré en 21x21 cm fait des heureux avec ses attributs de rêve. Juste ce qu'il faut, rien de plus, rien de moins !

The Fizzer app is so easy to use, for a simple and quick creation process. No need to spend ages looking for a lost password: if you use Fizzer regularly on mobile, connect online with the same IDs. You'll find all of your contacts and credits, on mobile or on the web!

So, let's make the most of your time: in a few clicks, your photo album will be in your mailbox!

What is the best app to create a photo album?

We don't want to have an endless debate about personal tastes and colors. But Fizzer knows that everything is better when things are quick and simple to use. Our engineers thought out the app specifically for this, including the automatic layout feature for your photo album.

We also did our homework, and found out that a wide variety of choice isn't always what is looked for in a photo album. The advantage of a single format and color is that you can create plenty and store them next to each other on your bookshelf! It's ideal for your perfectly tidy house.

Most of all, our app was designed by a team of talented and thorough developers, who thought of everything to make your life easier! Discover our marvelous app. Navigate the options like you're wearing your comfiest slippers!

Anyway, the best app to create your photo album online might well be Fizzer. You can tell us at 👋


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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