Original greeting text

Original ideas

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10 ideas for 100% original greeting texts

'Tis the season to be jolly!Ah, the holiday season! How not to resist their charm? Centered around sharing, delicacies and good times with the family, this enchanting parenthesis also rhymes with a new start, good resolutions, and of course personalized greeting cards. And just for the New Year, your dearest wish is to convey your best wishes in an atypical way, with a pretty message message, a simple note or a happy new year text. Yet you're short of ideas for writing. Thisperfectly normal : it's not always easy to findinspired and use the right words, without falling into generalities. So much the better if your message seems bizarre, offbeat or atypical : what you want isoriginality. Fizzer has thought to you and shared with you several special and unusual text templates.. From the humorous to the philosophical, our New Year's greetings will leave no one indifferent, we promise ! Here are 10 ideas for writing an original greeting text..


Wishing a happy new year with philosophy


Happy New Year poem : « Poetry and felicity »

« For 2025, my dear friend
I wish you to flourish
Choose love, joy, pleasure
A hundred times more than money
Power, or pride.
Prefer the giggles, the pure ones, the real ones
This is the recipe for bliss. »

Good resolution text : « Appreciating what you have »

« In the end, 2025 won't be the year we get everything we want, but the year we learn to appreciate everything we have. », said so rightly Catherine Testa.

What if, in 2025, we focused on the true sources of happiness ? For this New Year, I wish you to take care of your loved ones, to cherish the simple pleasures of your daily life, and to fully appreciate all that life has to offer. My love to you. »

Atypical text : « To love wisdom »

« Did you know that the word « philosophy » meant « love of wisdom » ? 

« For 2025, take inspiration from Socrates, Aristotle or Epicurus, and cultivate happiness by knowing yourself ! In other words, take care of yourself, listen to your desires, without letting them control you. Turn away from fleeting pleasures, and make every day a quest for happiness. Happy New Year ! »

Text in the form of a maxim : « Loving yourself »

« Success is loving yourself, loving what you do and loving how you do it » said the writer Maya Angelou. 

My dear Chloe, for this year, I don't wish you success, or even money. I wish you, above all, to love you as it should be. To trust you. To admire you, and pamper you. Take care of your body, it's your most faithful companion ! I wish you, for 2024, to celebrate it, more than ever. »

A special word: "To our beautiful friendship »

« My dear Bruno, 

You are one of my most loyal friends. Together, we have been through so many hardships. Today I would like to thank you for your unwavering support. For this new year, I wish you the best: health, a torrent of love and lots of beautiful projects. Finally, I let the iconic Victor Hugo speak for me, with this beautiful quote: 

« Let us greet together this new year which ages our friendship without aging our heart. »

Write your own original greetings text

Wishing a happy new year in a quirky way

To make our loved ones happy, we sometimes need to use a little originality. By wishing them a Happy New Year in a quirky way, you can add a little spice to their daily lives. After all, an original greeting might just put a smile on the face of everyone you love. So go ahead, without fear of ridicule. Sign your name with pride and make people happy !

Original recipe

« A pinch of optimism, a hint of tenderness, a big cup of laughter and an ocean of love: this is the secret recipe for a successful year. I wish you my very dear Lucie, to apply this magic formula to the letter and to taste it without moderation. Have a very nice holiday season. Lots of love. »

A humorous note

« Last year, one of my good resolutions was to lose 5 kilos. This year, I only have 8 left to lose: easy peasy! 

And you my beautiful, what are your good resolutions for this new year ? Hope all of your plans come true! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! »

A singularly humorous message

« Have a very happy new year 2024 my dear Mathilde! Another new year where we can keep all our good old habits. New year, even me: still so cynical but loving. More seriously, I wish you a wonderful 2023, my dear friend. I hope it will be at least as sunny as you! Love, Julian. »

Greeting text for an exceptional friend

« My dear Adrian, 

I envy you so much my friend! Each new year must rhyme, for you, with new challenges and resolutions in spades, you who have everything to perfect!

Of course I'm teasing you. I don't know what I will do without you, my most loyal friend. Always there for me, you are the very definition of unconditional love. I wish you a bright new year 2024. Take care of yourself. Elise. »

A little text for a special love

« My love,

I am writing this lovely card to thank you. Thank you for simply existing. Every day, I feel myself growing a little more under your benevolent gaze. I have no doubt that this year 2024 will be wonderful, because I will spend it by your side. I love you very much and wish you a happy new year, just like you. Your rose. »

Create a unique greeting card !


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In many respects, the year that is ending has been eventful, trying, sometimes even disappointing. Now is the time to party and celebrate: it's time to forget about 2023 and welcome the new year with hope and creativity! For this New Year, surprise your loved ones with tender attention. They are sure to be touched with a tender message signed with your name. They're sure to be touched and happy thanks to your original greeting text.

What is Fizzer?

Fizzer is a digital 100% solution, which allows you to send pretty personalized cards to your friends and family in just a few clicks. Once your creation has been validated, our teams take care of printing it, putting it in an envelope, franking it, then, finally, mailing it to your loved ones. 

How do I insert my original greeting text on a Fizzer greeting card?

Our product is very easy to use: it was designed to be used by as many people as possible! To create timeless greeting cards with Fizzer, you must first install our application (free), on the device of your choice. It is available on computer, tablet, or mobile (Android and iOS). 

Then create your Fizzer account in a single gesture, by filling in some basic information, as well as your email address. Finally, choose the credit pack that suits you: against a certain number of credits, you can then create a certain number of Happy New Year cards, announcements, albums or Fizzer gazettes. Once it's done, all you have to do is launch into inspired creations! 

What message should I choose for my Happy New Year card?

It all depends on who you are writing to! If you write an original greeting text to your friends, go for humor. A smile is always a pleasure! Do you write a text of wishes to your loved ones? Opt for a poem or an original greeting text with quote. They will work! For colleagues, your card is original... so opt for a more neutral but equally warm text.

Why should you write with originality?

Because there's nothing better than a smile to start the year 2024 off right! An original text will set you apart from other cards received by your loved ones.


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