Summer Postcards

Share the best memories of your holidays

What if you shared your fondest memories?

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Personalize your creations with your own photos

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Stay in touch with your family and friends

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Send happiness all over the world

Make your loved ones happy by telling them about you

How to make your first creation with Fizzer?

Choose your medium

A memory to share or immortalize? Choose your support according to the moments you want to share: classic or magnetic postcards, announcements to give or announce news or the photo album to tell a beautiful story.

Add your own photos

Personalize your creation according to your desires and add your own photos according to the occasion: holidays, birthdays, births, weddings... Decorate them with unique designs, stickers, and numerous layouts.

Write a personalized message

Use your most creative style to share your best moments or your latest news in personalized text thanks to many fonts and colors. Add some emojis and you're done!

Enjoy (yourself)!

Your creation is ready? Select one or more recipients, validate and voila! Fizzer sends your creation worldwide with no extra costs. Surprise and happiness guaranteed. ❤️


Need help? Questions? The Fizzer team will respond within 24h even on Sundays!

Ready to tell a beautiful memory?

What Fizzer users think of the app

Since 2014

2 millions
Fizzer Fanatics

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More than

3 million

per year

produits fizzer personnalisés

A desire to please your loved ones or simply to give them news? Capture and send your most beautiful moments by creating a personalized postcard, classic or magnetic, or an announcement with your own photos. A personalized postcard to give some news or a personalized announcement to send your wishes! Do you want to take the time to tell a story in photos? Create a square photo album in just a few clicks. Memories to leaf through over the years are yours! A trip to tell? A birthday to celebrate? A wedding coming up? All occasions are good to thank, congratulate, surprise and share your most beautiful moments.

A personalized postcard or an announcement to share news

The Fizzer application, available on computer, tablet and mobile, allows you to fully personalize your postcards and announcements whatever the occasion. Choose a personalized postcard theme, magnetic postcard or announcements among the many models designed by our illustrators, add your own photos from your computer, tablet or smartphone, write your text, personalize your stamp, add your recipients and voila! Your loved ones will be surprised to discover a personalized card in an envelope in their mailbox. Want to surprise your recipients? Send them a magnetic postcard. Your photos on the front, a message on the back for a card that stands alone on the fridge!

A square photo album to tell a great story

Holidays, unforgettable travels, weddings, births and the daily lives of children. Yes, we often have a lot of memories in common. It is so good to talk about it again together! Your photo album in hand, you flip through the pages, reading those captions you wrote down a few years ago. You smile, you would like to be transported where your eyes land. Finally, having a photo album means having the opportunity to relive and share moments that are close to our hearts with those we love, and that, year after year. 📸 Fizzer allows you to personalize your photo album with just a few clicks. Create a square photo album, choose a hard or soft cover and tell your story with photos and captions.

A magazine to share a concentrate of good news

Has your feathers ! Thanks to the review from Fizzer, share your news with your loved ones on a regular basis. Review your events of the week, month or day and recount your adventures in a 16-page leaflet.

Need inspiration to start your first creation? Check out the Fizzer blog.


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Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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