VĹ“ux de bonheur pour un mariage

Send joy to the newlyweds

Welcome » Wishes of marriage happiness
wedding thank you card with photo and bouquet of flowers

Wedding card

A cute couple deserves happy wishes ! Share your joy with your sweetest wishes for their wedding, on a 100% personalized card :

  • Postcard format (10x15 cm - horizontal), premium card (15x10 cm - vertical) or greeting card (14x14 cm);
  • Customizable to suit your preferences ;✏️

  • Envelope included đź’Ś

  • Printed in France. 🇬🇧

From 1,80 €.

Need ideas for sending your best wishes?

You came to the right place for inspiration. We've put together 15 sample texts that will turn your wedding vows into a real nugget! Romantic, classic or original: we've adapted to your every need and desire. We've adopted different tones depending on your relationship to the bride and groom: witnesses, parents... Send your positive energy to the young couple with a 100% good vibes card! Discover texts full of joy and good humor, sure to please the happy couple.

How to send your photos by card with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your best photos

Capture beautiful moments with your kids, choose a template and personalize your postcard with your own photos, or with photos of the newborn baby!


adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your message to your card

Once your photos are added, color your text and select the font of your choice. Personalize your stamp with a photo and sign with your fingertip!

personalized text with stickers

Select one or more recipients

Sending a card with Fizzer means having the opportunity to please the whole family! Add your contacts to your address book and select one or more recipients for the same card.


send fizzer postcard with envelope

Make people happy with a card in your image

Your card is stamped and sent in an envelope to protect your words and photos. Thus, your loved ones discover a real postcard in their mailbox, worthy of being displayed on the fridge!


15 text ideas to congratulate newlyweds

 Some moments have a taste of eternity. This is particularly the case of weddings. Lately, loved ones of yours said “yes” to each other? Be sure to congratulate them on their union! Before your moved eyes, they promised each other eternal love and unwavering support. Greet their commitment in a creative way, and celebrate their love with an inspired congratulatory message. And if you don't have Jacques Brel's pen, Fizzer has you covered! Draw inspiration from our selection of wedding wishes. Romantic congratulatory texts, classic or original wedding vows... There's something for everyone! 

Romantic best wishes for the newlyweds

The bride and groom did a great job: the wedding ceremony was magnificent. Did you attend the ceremony ? Did you attend from afar ? Were you not invited, but received their wedding announcement ? In any case, a thoughtful gesture is in order: send them a congratulatory card on their wedding day. The little extra ? It's as romantic as you could wish... to prolong this enchanted interlude, of course! These few passionate and romantic texts will fill them with joy.

Souhaitez-leur tout le bonheur du monde

"My dear Alice, 

One fine day, without thinking about it, without even trying, you found your soul mate. Someone who understands you, who makes you laugh every day. I'm honored to have been able to witness your union, and wish you all the happiness in the world."

Félicitez les mariés pour leur belle cérémonie

"Best wishes to the most beautiful bride and groom! The ceremony was sublime, the two lovers resplendent, and the wedding cake... Mamma Mia! For the future, we wish you to love each other with all your heart, and to both live in eternal bliss."

Envoyez-leur vos vœux d'amour 

"With this lovely card, I'd like to present you, my dearest friends, with my sincere congratulations for your marriage. I wish you an ocean of love and tenderness. Finally, I let the sweet words of Jean de la Fontaine speak for me: 

"Be to each other a world always beautiful, always diverse, always new; Take the place of everything, count the rest for nothing. " "

Espérez de la joie dans leur couple

« Longue vie aux jeunes mariés ! Je suis très émue d’apprendre votre union. Vous avez célébré votre amour et vous êtes promis de vous aimer inconditionnellement. Quel superbe engagement ! Je vous souhaite une très belle vie à deux. Rappelez-vous qu’il n’existe rien de plus précieux que votre amour. » 

Souhait d'un quotidien doux et paisible

"I wish you lots of tenderness, love and surprises for this new life together. May your daily life be sweet, as beautiful as a child's laughter, as eternal as a Joe Dassin or Elvis Presley song."

Ready to write inspirational wishes?

The most beautiful gift for the bride and groom is their best wishes for their wedding day. Many friends and family send their congratulations. It's a magical moment of happiness. So jump at the chance to make them happy! Tell them everything that's on your mind. Wish them the best. Share beautiful moments with them with a wedding greeting card, on which you'll write a sweet text.

Classic best wishes for the happy couple

In the mood for sobriety? No problem. Fizzer's pen is always there to give you a few ideas. Here are some more classic texts for those who like things simple.

VĹ“u de force et d'entraide

And long live the bride and groom! I am very happy for you my dear Augustin and wish you the best and lots of love. May life together strengthen you and bring you its share of small pleasures.

Joie et bonheur sur la route de l'amour

"To my favorite couple,

I wish you much success in this beautiful and great adventure that is beginning for you. All my wishes for success, joy and happiness on the road to love. May life be good to you!


Original wedding vows

Looking for an original, energetic and thoughtful text? Show your originality with an extraordinary wish for happiness.

Célébrez leur amour

« love each other with tender love
Enjoy the simple things
And celebrate every day
Your ultimate luck
That of being found
By a beautiful summer's evening. »

Félicitez les mariés pour l'avenir

Congratulations on your wedding ! You have just made a crazy bet on the future, but the heart has its reasons that reason ignores, doesn't it ? When I look at you, my very dear friends, I do not doubt for a second that your decision was the right one. You have something rare and precious, take care of it ! All my best wishes !

Dites-leur bienvenue dans la famille

Dear newlyweds, 

It's hard to get away from the boat and gnangnan wishes, but I really wish you all the happiness in the world. I can't wait to see the photos of your honeymoon, and all those that will come after ! Long story short, welcome to the Thomas family ! And Anouk, I love you. Lots of love.

I send my best wishes to the bride and groom

Don't miss out on a great gift for newlyweds. Send them a card wishing them happiness. This keepsake will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Especially if it can be pinned as the most beautiful, proudly displayed on their fridge !

Wishes of happiness from the witnesses

And if you're the best man, how can you express your best wishes ? By being present at the wedding, that's for sure. But that's not all. Here are some texts specially designed for wedding witnesses.

Tous mes voeux de bonheur

My dear favorite newlyweds,

It is with great emotion that I write this little card. I would like, once again, to send you all my best wishes for the future. Thank you also for the trust you placed in me : I loved being your wedding witness, and I'm only waiting for one thing : to be able to testify to your pure love for the rest of my life. 

Longue vie Ă  votre idylle

"My dear friends,

What emotions went through me during your beautiful ceremony ! I had the chance to witness the birth of your love. I was able to admire you, sometimes even envy you. Today, I don't need to believe in the existence of great love : I know it exists, when I look at you. Long live your romance !

Quelle belle aventure vous attend !

Congratulations, once again, on your marriage! After this moving ceremony, I would like to celebrate once again your commitment, and the great adventure you are embarking on together. I can't imagine anyone better prepared for this beautiful trip. 


Wishes of happiness from parents

Vous êtes les parents des heureux époux ? La tâche se corse ! Mais rien n'est impossible. Souhaiter le bonheur, c'est si important ! Profitez de notre plume de joie pour transmettre vos vœux de bonheur à vos enfants.

Une belle vie, riche en rires

"The wonderful Henri Salvador once said:"It's not so much the marriage that's wonderful. It is after !" et nous lui donnons raison ! Nous vous souhaitons à tous les deux une superbe vie, riche en rires, en complicité, en douceur… Nous sommes si heureux et chanceux d’avoir pu assister à la célébration de votre amour, et vous souhaitons le meilleur pour les prochaines années. »

Je suis si fière du chemin parcouru

"My dear son, 

Votre cérémonie de mariage a empli mon cœur de joie. Je suis si fière du chemin que vous avez parcouru. On peut lire l’amour dans vos regards mutuels. Je vous souhaite d’en prendre soin, et de chérir l’autre comme au premier jour. Je vous embrasse fort. »

carte postale premium couple sur la plage

Delivery information

When you create a postcard, your order is processed within 24 business hours. Then, the Post Office takes over for delivery:

  • France and Europe: 2 to 6 working days
  • USA, Canada and Australia: 4 to 12 working days
  • Other destinations: 1 to 3 weeks

Product Information

  • Postcard format (10x15 cm - horizontal), premium card (15x10 cm - vertical) or greeting card (14x14 cm);
  • Postcard and premium card format : front/back, greeting card : 4 pages
  • paper postcard 330 g / greeting paper 280 g / premium card paper 300g ;
  • Envelope: included
  • Shipping costs : included worldwide
  • All products made in France 🇬🇧

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produits fizzer personnalisés

Après une cérémonie mémorable, vous aimeriez célébrer l'union d’un(e) proche de façon originale ? Saluez cette merveille une nouvelle fois avec une jolie wedding congratulations card ! Dessus, inscrivez un beau texte pour mariage, qui symbolise la force de leur alliance. 

Pourquoi envoyer un texte de vœux de bonheur pour un mariage ?

Celebrating love (and a commitment as strong as marriage) is always a good idea! With a pretty card that celebrates their love, you will also allow your loved ones to keep smiling, especially during the little blues that can occur after the ceremony or on returning from the wedding. Envoyer vos vœux is therefore a way of telling the newlyweds that we are thinking of them, thanks to attentive words and words.

How to present your wedding congratulations in an original way?

En quelques minutes, vous pouvez créer une carte de félicitations mariage unique. Naviguez parmi notre collection de cartes et choisissez le modèle qui vous plait. Ajoutez-y ensuite les meilleures photos des mariés (n’hésitez pas à inclure les photos que vous avez prises lors de la cérémonie !). Rédigez de jolis voeux sincères, signez, ajoutez l’adresse des destinataires, et voilà. Our teams then take care of printing, putting in an envelope, franking and sending your pretty surprises, within 24 working hours.

What wedding message to send?

Cela dépend de vous, mais aussi des jeunes mariés à qui vous vous adressez. Préféreraient-ils recevoir vos vœux de mariage via un texte classique, un texte humoristique ou un texte plus solennel ? Quel que soit le message de mariage qui leur irait le mieux, vous pouvez choisir parmi tous les textes que nous avons écrits pour vous aider. L'important, c'est de ne pas vous éloigner de ce que vous souhaitez pour eux. Cela peut être la santé, le bonheur, la prospérité, la joie d'avoir des enfants, la famille, la liberté... Un souhait de mariage se soigne et surtout si vous êtes un brin superstitieux(se). Leur souhaiter une vie heureuse, pour le meilleur et pour le pire, n'est pas idéal pour leur faire plaisir. Non, préférez un souhait de mariage sincère et authentique, rédigé avec des mots qui touchent. Vous pouvez aussi joindre à votre texte de vœux de bonheur un livre photo de mariage.

Comment rédiger des souhaits de mariage originaux ?

À tout mariage original, ses vœux de mariage originaux. Composez une création unique à l'image de ce couple si spécial qui va sceller son amour avec son union. Mais comment créer une carte de vœux de mariage qui soit particulière et hors du commun ? Un conseil : n'ayez pas peur de faire de l'humour, et de sortir des sentiers battus. Avec une jolie carte de souhaits de mariage qui dénote, les amoureux vont se souvenirs de votre jolie attention pendant un moment. (Et pour faire encore plus fort, choisissez la version magnétique de nos cartes. Ainsi, elle trônera fièrement sur le frigo des étourneaux pendant un long moment !). Voici quelques idées pour envoyer des vœux de mariage spéciaux :

  • mettez en scène une historiette sur votre carte, Ă  partir de vos photos du couple ;
  • assurez avec un beau texte de mariage : un poème ;
  • faites-les rire avec une blague dans votre texte ;
  • crĂ©ez une carte humoristique pour vos vĹ“ux ;
  • n'utilisez que des euphĂ©mismes pour leur souhaiter le bonheur ;
  • faites place Ă  l'imagination !

Alors, Ă  quoi vont ressembler vos souhaits de mariage ?


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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