Texte de carte d'anniversaire : nos modèles

Write a personalized message

Un proche souffle ses bougies dans quelques jours et vous souhaitez lui envoyer une jolie birthday card personalized for l’occasion ? Vous avez bien raison. Vous souhaitez célébrer le vôtre en bonne compagnie ? Bonne idée aussi ! Mais comment rédiger votre birthday card text ? Comment être original sans trop en faire ? Comment s’adresser à un enfant pour que votre attention soit rigolote ? Si vous êtes à court d'ideas for writing a message, Fizzer vous aide à trouver l’inspiration en vous proposant de nombreux models personnalisés selon le profil de votre destinataire. Ici, trouvez des exemples de vœux et de textes drôles, originaux, pour vos amis hommes et femmes, les enfants, votre meilleur ami et… pour vous-même, si vous souhaitez annoncer les festivités et inviter vos proches. Alors, choisissez votre message préféré et que la fête commence !

Idées pour une carte d’anniversaire originale

today you are the queen

Comment se démarquer du traditionnel « Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire, fête ça bien ! » ? Pour cette occasion et pour souhaiter une bonne fête à votre proche, optez pour un message d'anniversaire original et un contenu fun. Ajoutez un peu d’humour, rappelez vos meilleurs souvenirs passés tous les deux, parsemez quelques indices pour une chasse au cadeau, bref, découvrez tout un tas d’idées spéciales et hors normes pour cet événement à ne surtout pas manquer. Trouvez le texte d'anniversaire court et original qui séduira vos proches !

“Your mission, if you accept it”

" Happy birthday ! This year, your mission if you accept it, is to head to 5 avenue du Général de Gaulle at 8 p.m. this Saturday, dressed in your best assets and a peach of hell. Forbidden to ask questions about this event. All I can tell you is that it promises to be a hell of a time that should please you a lot. So see you Saturday! »

"This year, it's up to you to go as far as your gift"

" Happy birthday ! This year, it's up to you to get your gift. For this, we have concocted a little treasure hunt that will lead you there. Read all the clues carefully and, when you have solved the riddle, go to the garage where we will reveal the surprise for your 18th birthday. 3…2…1, let's go! »

“As Schopenhauer said…” 

" Happy birthday ! As Schopenhauer said 'All that is exquisite matures slowly'. I think this quote suits you perfectly. The better you go, the more successful you are in life. You do things little by little and the result is only better. Keep it up, Schopenhauer and I are proud of you! »

Créez une carte originale !

Messages d'anniversaire humoristiques pour votre carte

happy birthday balloons card

Allez, on le sait : vous aussi, vous adorez recevoir un texte de carte d’anniversaire bien drôle lors de cette belle journée. D’autant plus que vieillir n’est pas toujours amusant. Alors, lâchez-vous en quelques lignes avec les traditionnelles blagues sur l’âge, les années de vie ensemble, les surnoms à gogo. Le sens de l’humour oui, mais toujours avec respect, s’il vous plaît ! Un texte d'anniversaire personnalisé, ça peut être drôle, surtout si vous vous adressez au clown de la famille. Qui a dit qu'écrire une carte d'anniversaire, c'était ennuyeux ?

“Happy birthday my old man”

“Happy birthday my old man! And yes I know, like every year, you're only a year older than me but I can't help but remind you that you're the oldest of us. But you know that I allow myself because it does not show at all. X years and you're still fresh as a roach! What is your secret ? To have great friends like me in any case, that must help ;). Big kisses and happy birthday again 'papi'. »

"When I think that I've been supporting you for 20 years"

Happy birthday scoundrel! When I think that I've been supporting you for 20 years, I tell myself that it's me who should say 'congratulations'! Hehe, I'm kidding, of course. You know that I love you and that without you I would be nothing. Never changes !

“Happy birthday to my cool daddy! »

Happy birthday to my cool daddy! A nickname that suits you so well since at 60 you are cooler than ever. What will it be like at 90? I wish you lots of rock concerts to come, motorcycle trips, trips with mom and so on. I'm kissing you strongly.

Surprenez-le(la) pour son anniversaire !

Texte de carte d'anniversaire pour faire plaisir Ă  un enfant

Birthday Card Messages

Vous cherchez des exemples de messages pour l'anniversaire de votre chérubin ? Le petit bout célèbre une année de plus et pour lui, c’est l’événement le plus important (avec Noël bien sûr). Manger des gâteaux, souffler dans des ballons, lancer des confettis, recevoir des cadeaux… Quoi de mieux pour lui ? Alors oui, vous allez certainement lui offrir un beau cadeau mais, avec un contenu personnalisé, il conservera un beau souvenir de vous qu’il pourra relire année après année. Que pouvez-vous écrire pour que votre message lui plaise le jour de la fête tant attendue ? Petite blague, souvenirs d’enfance, encouragements et félicitations, dégottez votre modèle de texte préféré.

" My little finger told me "

“My little finger told me it was someone very special's birthday today… But who could it be? From you, go! Yes my / my big, it's your day! Didn't you think I was going to forget you? I wish you a wonderful birthday! Big kisses and see you soon from [signature] »

"My eternal birthday card"

“Happy birthday my [first name]! You've grown a lot, but there are some things that don't change. And yes, as tradition dictates, here is my eternal birthday card. I want to congratulate you for the person you have become, and to wish you the best for all that you have yet to undertake. Very affectionately, [signature]. »

"I remember you like it was yesterday"

“Dear [first name], I wish you an excellent birthday! I remember you like it was yesterday, making your treehouses and building your sandcastles. Who knows, maybe there is a future architect in you? Only one way to find out, keep moving forward like you do. Big kisses from [signature]. »

Envoyez-lui une jolie carte pour l'occasion !

Modèles de textes pour l'anniversaire d'une femme

cat and mouse birthday card with plants

A woman you know is blowing out her candles on the occasion of one more year? There, too, you need to make a good impression with a great text to say "I love you" on his birthday card. Whether it's for your mother, your wife, your sister, your friend or colleague, opt for a message that will make her laugh and bring back fond memories.

“Hello, old branch! »

“Hello, old branch! Happy birthday ! I want to congratulate you for not having aged a bit despite your advanced age. It's true that thinking that you're x years old reminds me that we've been friends for… x years. It does not make us younger ! But in our head we are still so crazy and that's what counts. Do not change anything ! »

“Wonderful birthday my beautiful! »

“Wonderful birthday my beautiful! What pride for a dad / mom to have a daughter as amazing as you. You are a real ray of sunshine that lights up everything around her. Even though sometimes I feel like you're still my little baby, I realize how much you've grown and become an accomplished person. Big kisses my treasure. »

“Happy birthday to my better half, my favorite person in the whole world. »

“Happy birthday to my better half, my favorite person in the whole world. Not a minute spent with you goes by that I don't realize how lucky I am to have you. Only with you do I share so much and can't wait to share the rest of my life. I like you. »

Are we getting started?

Texte d'anniversaire personnalisé pour un homme

sweet and sincere birthday message man

Personnalisez votre carte d'anniversaire en offrant à l'homme de votre vie un beau texte bien rédigé, et 100% personnalisé (autant que la carte !) Partagez des souvenirs et une bonne dose d’amour ou d’amitié avec cet homme qui souffle bientôt sa bougie supplémentaire. Trouvez ici des exemples de textes adaptés à sa personnalité, que ce soit pour votre père, un ami, un frère ou un collègue. Sachez qu’un message d’anniversaire doux et sincère sera toujours le bienvenu. On ne dit pas non à la tendresse et aux petites attentions. Vous pouvez bien entendu ajouter son prénom pour personnaliser encore plus votre création.

“You are the best dad we could have”

Dear Papounet, I wish you a wonderful birthday. You are the best dad we could have and I am grateful to you every day. Keep being as funny, caring and full of energy as you are. A thousand kisses !

“What a pleasure to be by your side again on this very special day”

Happy birthday my heart! What a joy to be by your side again on this special day. I have lots of little surprises in store for you that you will discover as the day progresses. For now, I start by wishing you all the happiness in the world. I like you.

“May all your future projects come true! »

Dear [first name], we wish you an excellent birthday. May all your future projects come true! Know that you can count on us at any time. We kiss you very much.

Envoyez-lui votre carte d'anniversaire personnalisée !

Petit mot sur la carte d'anniversaire d'un ami

happy beersday card with fizzer envelope

Attention, evening of great importance in sight! The best friend is celebrating his big day soon and you can't fail to prepare a nice surprise for him. So, to wish him in good and due form, bring back the memories, the passing of time, and show him how much he means to you. Find a sample text for your birthday card here, and you'll be sure to receive a nice little thank you note the next day!

“In short… my best friend”

Happy birthday to my evening sidekick, my nap champion, my dear sister, my Netflix companion, my chef, my follower on all networks, my soul mate, my confidante, in short… my best friend!

“All these memories we shared unite us for life”

Happy birthday my [name]! When I think that 25 years ago, we were running in diapers in your grandmother's garden and that today we are still best friends, I tell myself that the world is well made. All these memories we shared unite us for life and make me smile every day when I think about it. Thanks to you !

“I take this opportunity to tell you how proud I am of you”

A wonderful birthday to my [first name]! Today is your day, so I take this opportunity to tell you how proud I am of you and of the person you have become. You gave yourself the means to accomplish what you wanted and now you are reaping the rewards. Continue on this beautiful momentum, you are the best.

Commencez à créer votre carte !


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produits fizzer personnalisés

The Fizzer application, created 5 years ago and based in Normandy, allows you to transform your own photos into personalized cards: postcards and announcements. No need to go to La Poste. You create your card, we take care of the rest: printing, putting in an envelope and postage all over the world.

How to find a personalized birthday card idea?

Follow the leader ! Connect to your Fizzer account via the Android or iOS application, or on the web. Get credits, choose your favorite card format and then an illustration that you like. Add your photos, write a birthday card text, personalize your stamp and sign with your fingertip. Select one or more recipients, validate your card and you're done. It ships within 24 business hours worldwide at no additional cost.

When to send a personalized card?

A menu for every occasion! Your holidays with friends or family, the birthdays of your loved ones or yours, the end-of-year celebrations or the major milestones in your life such as marriage or a birth, know that a card will always please. So, which birthday card text will you choose?


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