Texte pour une carte de voeux professionnelle

Trouvez un message de vœux pour votre entreprise

Welcome » Text Professional greeting card

Partagez de la chaleur humaine au travail !

Each new year brings its share of new challenges, happiness, and of course, professional success! ✨ And if you take advantage of this new beginning to wish your best wishes aux collègues, clients ou partenaires of your business ? wish a Have a good year à votre entourage professional is the perfect opportunity to maintain a relationship that matters to you, to stand out, and to demonstrate your full esteem. C’est également une formidable opportunité pour soigner votre personal branding et véhiculer une bonne image de vous au travail. You missinspired pour écrire votre message et cherchez les right words qui vous permettront d’être prévenant(e) tout en restant professionnel ? Fizzer a pensé à tout ! Que ce soit une carte originale or classic, here is our selection of texts for a professional greeting card, qui vous permettra, on l’espère, de surprendre agréablement vos collaborateurs, clients ou partenaires.

5 exemples classiques de voeux professionnels

Pour envoyer des voeux professionnels, rien de tel qu'un texte classique et sobre. Si vous avez besoin d'inspiration, voici quelques exemples de messages professionnels, mais tout en simplicité !

1. «
Thank you for your confidence in our company”

The entire (Company Name) team thanks you for your trust and wishes you a wonderful 2021. We hope it will be crowned with success! 

2. « Très belle année de la part de notre équipe ! »

For this new year 2021, our entire team wishes you all the best wishes. We are happy and proud to count you among our most loyal partners: may this great collaboration last forever. Have a great year!

3. « Quelle heureuse collaboration ! »

“There are no coincidences, there are only appointments. said Paul Eluard. Like this brilliant poet, we believe, at (Company Name), that our collaboration is not a coincidence. We couldn't be happier to count on your excellence and support. May this year 2021 continue to make us grow together!  

4. « Merci pour votre fidélité »

The entire (Company Name) team wishes you all the best for 2021. We are honored to count you among our customers, and would like to thank you for your loyalty. For this new year, our ambition remains unchanged: to offer you the best product. Excellent year!

5. « Beaucoup de succès »

My dear (first name),

I send you my best wishes for happiness and success. You are an exemplary, loyal and considerate colleague. Always there when you need help. In short, you are the ideal partner. I wish you, for this new year, to continue to shine as you do. I think I speak on behalf of the whole team when I say to you: a big thank you. Have a very nice holiday! 

Prêt(e) à rédiger votre texte ?

5 idées originales pour votre carte de voeux entreprise

Rédiger un texte de voeux pour son entreprise, cela peut paraître vieillot et ennuyant. Pourtant, rien ne nous oblige à envoyer ses voeux de nouvelle année de manière solennelle. Libre à vous de choisir une manière plus originale d'envoyer votre carte de bonne année professionnelle. Avec gaieté et chaleur, voici nos exemples de textes pour une carte de voeux entreprise originale !

1. « Long live teamwork! »

My very dear (first name), 

I wish you a very happy new year 2021. I have no doubt that it will be brilliant and adorned with success. I am very happy to have you on my team: you are a present and conscientious partner. Your team spirit is no longer to be proven. For this year, you just have to stay true to yourself! 

Je laisse le génial Steve Jobs conclure pour moi :  The best things that happen in the corporate world are not the result of one man's work. It's the work of a whole team. »

2. « A big thank-you »

Without you, we wouldn't have grown so fast.
Without you, we would not have carried out a new fundraiser.
Without you, our product would not be what it is today.
Without you, we simply wouldn't be us.

Thank you, dear customer, for trusting us and contributing to our success. Our entire team wishes you a wonderful 2021. We look forward to spending it with you!

3. « Thank you for this dose of inspiration »

Very happy new year 2021 my dear (first name). I wish you much happiness, success, and love. You are such an inspiring manager. I thank you for trusting me so much, for accompanying me while letting me grow in complete freedom. I am proud to be part of your team, and to contribute to the growth of our beautiful project. See you soon. 

4. « Tant de choses accomplies ensemble ! »

In this new year, we have a very special thought for our most loyal partners. We have overcome many obstacles together! Without you, we wouldn't be here today. Thank you for your everyday support. The entire sales team sends you its best wishes today and see you very soon for new adventures. 

5. « Plein de projets »

The entire (Company name) team wishes all its loyal customers a happy new year 2020. We hope it will be full of projects, rich in surprises and, above all, filled with love! See you soon.

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produits fizzer personnalisés

Take advantage of the new year to send a dose of inspiration to all your loved ones! Whether it's your colleagues or customers, your family or your friends, you can create a original corporate greeting card, with Fizzer. 

How to create a professional greeting card with Fizzer?

We are above all an application, which allows you to create pretty surprises in a single gesture (postcards, event cards, photo albums, etc.). Whether you want to spoil your colleagues or clients, your family or your friends, Fizzer allows you to easily create an original greeting card. 

To do this, you just need to install the Fizzer application. Completely free, it is available on computer, tablet and mobile (iOS and Android). Then create your Fizzer account in a single gesture. Finally, choose the Fizzer offer that meets your needs: single credit, pack of 10 credits, pack of 40 credits, or pack of 150 credits! Our product happily adapts to all desires and all wallets! 

Why send a greeting text from your company?

Sending a professional greeting card to your colleagues, clients or partners maintains good relations! You spent 2020 together, closed some great projects, teamed up... it's time to thank them! Personalize your Happy New Year card with a professional greeting text and surprise your collaborators for the New Year. In 2021, we are off to a good start!

Which text for professional greeting card to choose?

It all depends on your business and your tone. Are you a large recognized group? Opt for a classic or elegant text. Are you a start-up? Write an offbeat professional greeting card text or choose humor. You are a craftsman, trader and know the face of your most loyal customers? Personalize your professional wishes to the maximum.

When to create a Fizzer card?

All occasions are good to please your loved ones! Especially with Fizzer 😁 Our vast collection of cards (more than 2000) with various themes covers many events: winter or summer holidays, birthdays, weddings, religious holidays, births, back to school, end of year celebrations... 

There's always a good time to make the people you love smile, with Fizzer.  


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