Magnet announcement

Sticky but so endearing 🧲

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Your announcement in a few clicks

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

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adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your photos

personalized text with stickers

Write your message

send fizzer postcard with envelope

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A medium of choice for your good news

birth announcement magnets

Life is marked with milestones that are remembered forever. A birth, a marriage, a PACS or even a baptism: so many good news that we want to share with all our loved ones.

Even in the digital age, the tradition of printed announcements still has a bright future ahead of it. Because if virtual messages are enough for everyday communication, the great joys of life deserve to be announced with panache.

Want to stand out with an announcement really like no other? Discover a new way to announce your major events: the magnet card . Like our other cards, it is available in 10x15 cm or 14x14 cm format , but with a difference in size: it is magnetic !

The Fizzer magnet announcement is therefore a double surprise for your loved ones. A joyful news but also a beautiful object to place on all the metal surfaces of the house. So, are we sticking to it?

Ready to create your magnet announcement?

Our masterpieces

Because every occasion is unique, Fizzer has created invitations for all tastes: pastel colours, minimalist designs, humorous illustrations or even tender patterns. Click on the model of your choice to discover the rest of the collection. ✨ 

3 tips for successful announcements

📸 Choose good quality photos

📌 Highlight essential information

📝 Add a small personal text

Ready to light up the faces of your loved ones?

How to create a magnet announcement with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose a model adapted to your event

Mariage, PACS, naissance, communion, baptême, Bar Mitzvah, etc. : nous avons pensé à toutes vos grandes occasions. Choisissez le modèle qui vous plaît, en format carte postale ou carte ouvrable.

adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your best photos

Select the most beautiful photos around your event. Baby at birth, your couple on engagement day, etc. Your big news will light up the mailbox of your loved ones!

personalized text with stickers

Write a personalized message

Write your message and personalize it with many fonts and font colors. Customize your stamp and sign with your fingertip. Your invitation is unique and 100% in your image.

send fizzer postcard with envelope

Validate your creation and surprise your loved ones

Your beautiful invitation is ready? It's time to make people happy! You can send your creation to several recipients at the same time. To save time, add your contacts in advance by creating your address book.

Create my announcement


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Since 2014

2 millions
Fizzer Fanatics

have sent

More than

3 million

per year

produits fizzer personnalisés

Vous avez hâte d’annoncer la grande nouvelle mais il vous reste encore quelques questions ? La réponse se trouve peut-être ci-dessous. Si ce n’est pas le cas, n’hésitez pas à consulter notre FAQ ou à nous écrire à

What is an announcement? 

Sending announcements is an ancient tradition that consists of notifying loved ones by mail of a major event to come or has just happened. The news is usually announced by means of a card with a photo indicating the nature of the event. The text of the announcement contains a personal message as well as practical information such as the place or the date of the festivities. If announcements are traditionally associated with certain events such as births and weddings, they can be sent for any type of occasion! 

How to create a fold-free invitation? 

Fizzer offers traditional invitations folded in half, that is to say with four sides. But we also offer unfolded invitations with only two sides. These are available in postcard format (10x15 cm) or event card (14x14 cm), as well as in magnetic or simple version.

Who to send a magnetic invitation to? 

The magnet announcement can be sent to as many people as you wish. However, it is particularly aimed at relatives. If you send a large number of announcements, you can for example create a paper version for your extended circle of acquaintances and a magnetic version for your family and friends.


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


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