Textes d'anniversaire ado : nos modèles

Silence it grows !

birthday card for friends

Birthday card

  • postcard format (10x15 cm) or event card (14x14 cm);
  • Customizable to suit your preferences ; ✏️

  • Envelope included đź’Ś

  • Printed in France. 🇬🇧

From 1,80 €.

Vous cherchez de l'inspired for écrire un message d'anniversaire pour votre ado ? Vous êtes au bon endroit. Ici, nous vous guidons pour lui envoyer une birthday card sublime ! De la création de la carte à son envoi, en passant par la rédaction du texte, suivez le guide. Votre adolescent sera heureux de découvrir un beau message empli d'amour pour cet événement important de sa vie. À l'adolescence, fêter une année de plus est symbolique et important. C'est difficile de trouver les mots justes pour s'adresser à un adolescent, mais pas question de rendre page blanche. Alors marquez le coup ! Voici notre guide pour envoyer un texte d'anniversaire ado. Il ne restera plus qu'à l'envoyer sur une création Fizzer. 💌

How to send your photos by card with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your best photos

Capture beautiful moments with your kids, choose a template and personalize your postcard with your own photos, or with photos of the newborn baby!


adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your message to your card

Once your photos are added, color your text and select the font of your choice. Personalize your stamp with a photo and sign with your fingertip!

personalized text with stickers

Select one or more recipients

Sending a card with Fizzer means having the opportunity to please the whole family! Add your contacts to your address book and select one or more recipients for the same card.


send fizzer postcard with envelope

Make people happy with a card in your image

Your card is stamped and sent in an envelope to protect your words and photos. Thus, your loved ones discover a real postcard in their mailbox, worthy of being displayed on the fridge!


Messages d'anniversaire pour votre adolescent

« Que le temps passe vite en ta compagnie »

Our dear and tender Alice, 
You blow today your 13th candle already! How time flies in your company. Next year, you will pass your certificate, like a grown-up! We are very proud of the young girl you are becoming and very moved to celebrate your entry into puberty with you. Mom and dad who love you very much.

« Tu seras un homme, mon fils »

My dear Augustine,
Yesterday again, you pronounced your first word in front of me. Today, you are celebrating your 16th birthday, and you are about to go to high school. What emotions and pride go through me when I think of the path you have traveled and the handsome young man you are becoming. “You will be a man, my son”, says the famous poem. In my eyes, you already are. I can't wait to celebrate it with you. Your dad

« Tu as déjà tout d’une adulte » 

My sweet Chloe,
You must surely be asking yourself “Why is mom sending me a birthday card, when we live together?!”. I needed to immortalize this event, that's all! You're only 15 once. Not a day goes by without you impressing me with your maturity, your big heart, your intelligence. For me, age is just a number: you already look like an adult. I am extremely proud of you my dear. Your mom who will always be there for you. 

Textes d'anniversaire ado pour vos petits-enfants

« Papi te souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire »

My little Mia,
I know you are a very connected little teenager, so for your birthday, I suggest you discover the printed birthday cards! Grandpa wishes you a very happy birthday my darling, you are a wonderful granddaughter and I hope you are having a day like you. I kiss you hard and hope to see you very soon. 

« Tu es un réel petit soleil »

Hello Jules, my dear grandson. Today you are already celebrating your 12th birthday! For the occasion, I would like to send you all my love and my most tender thoughts, in a most modern birthday card. You never cease to amaze me with your lively character, your kindness, your unparalleled humor! You are a real little sun for your loved ones, and I wish you an equally bright new year. Your favorite granny. 

Postez votre première carte d'anniversaire !

Messages d'anniv pour un(e) ami(e) adolescent(e)

« Sans toi, je serais perdue »

Hello my Julie,
Today is your birthday, so for the occasion, I'm sending you this pretty card highlighting your most beautiful poses! You are very important to me: my best friend, my confidante, my coach… Honestly, without you, I would be lost! So thank you for supporting me. I wish you a wonderful birthday, I can't wait to celebrate this weekend. Kisses

« Tu es vraiment un super pote »

Happy birthday my dear Yanis! I wish you the best for this year: happiness, success in the patent and success with the girls, who knows! You really are a great friend, on whom we can count. I hope you are having a great day and a great vacation! See you soon at the start of the school year.

Textes d'anniversaire classique pour l'adolescence

« Tu grandis tellement vite ! »

Dear Marion,
I wish you a wonderful birthday, in the company of the people you love. You are already celebrating your 14th birthday, you are growing up so fast! You remind me a lot of your mom at that age: elegant, confident and full of life. We are all very proud of you, and amazed at your beautiful evolution. I'm kissing you strongly. Aunt Julia.

« Tu resteras toujours mon petit frère »

Hello mosquito!
So how are we celebrating our 15th birthday? I'll stop you right away: you'll always be my LITTLE brother, even at 50! So there's no point in rejoicing. I still wish you a very happy birthday (of little brother), in good company, and with lots of apple juice! I hope you don't miss me too much. Your big sister who loves you, and who loves (especially) to tease you.

« Aujourd’hui est un grand jour »

Hello my dear, it's your beloved godmother. Today is a big day, you are entering your pre-teens! I hope you are having a wonderful day with your friends and family. I send you big kisses and see you very soon.

Texte anniversaire douze ans

Delivery information

When you create a postcard, your order is processed within 24 business hours. Then, the Post Office takes over for delivery:

  • France and Europe: 2 to 6 working days
  • USA, Canada and Australia: 4 to 12 working days
  • Other destinations: 1 to 3 weeks

Product Information

  • Postcard format (10x15 cm - horizontal), premium card (15x10 cm - vertical) or greeting card (14x14 cm);
  • Postcard and premium card format : front/back, greeting card : 4 pages
  • paper postcard 330 g / greeting paper 280 g / premium card paper 300g ;
  • Envelope: included
  • Shipping costs : included worldwide
  • All products made in France 🇬🇧

Célébrez l'anniversaire d'un ado !


Need help? Questions? The Fizzer team will respond within 24h even on Sundays!

Since 2014

2 millions
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produits fizzer personnalisés

Message pour un ado qui souffle ses bougies : bien le réussir

Faire sourire ceux qu’on aime ne prend que quelques minutes avec Fizzer. Souhaiter de joyeux anniversaires et fêter de belles nouvelles font partie de vos petits plaisirs ? C’est le cas pour nous aussi ! On a donc décidé de créer un produit dédié aux évènements heureux : anniversaires, mariages, naissances, souvenirs de vacances, fêtes religieuses… Il y a toujours une belle occasion pour donner des nouvelles à ses proches, avec Fizzer. Mais alors, comment faire lorsqu'on s'adresse à un adolescent ? 

  1. Rappelez-vous votre propre adolescence. Comment auriez-vous aimé qu'on vous parle ? Usez de respect et de sincérité. Les ados y sont très sensibles.
  2. Comprenez que c'est une période de la vie délicate. L'adolescence, c'est l'âge de la puberté. Le corps change, les premiers signes de la sexualité se montrent, le corps est bouleversé. C'est un moment de chamboulement. Tout comme le papillon sort de sa chrysalide, le futur adulte apparaît, l'ancien enfant se métamorphose.
  3. Parlez-lui avec sincérité et franchise, optimisme et passion. Quoi de plus beau quand on est adolescent, que de constater qu'on est entourés d'adultes heureux de vivre, honnêtes et passionnés ? Ces 3 forces motivent l'adolescent et l'aident à construire son identité. Donnez-lui une part de vous dans votre texte !
  4. Utilisez des citations littéraires abordables et pas trop perchées. Un ado adore ça, même s'il fait comme si cela ne lui plaisait pas, car c'est trop la honte. Mais au fond de lui, il est très sensible et aime les belles phrases un peu fleur bleue.
  5. Dites-lui combien vous l'aimez. Au fond, un ado est encore un enfant, et a toujours besoin de l'amour de ses proches et de ses pairs. Usez de douceur et de bienveillance dans vos mots ! Votre carte d'anniversaire n'en sera que plus belle.


How to create an event card with Fizzer?

Are you a friend, a loving mother or a hyper-connected grandfather, wishing to surprise his loved ones with pretty personalized creations? You are falling! 

With Fizzer, you can create superb postcards or beautiful event cards simply, in a few clicks. To do this, all you have to do is bring a phone to download our application (also available on computer and tablet). 

On the application, create a Fizzer account in a few seconds and choose the pack that suits you. Are you a real sugar daddy? Our 150 credits pack should satisfy you. Skeptical, you prefer to test our product first? In this case, choose our 1 credit pack. Economical (2€39), envelope and postage included, it should allow you to get an idea of our product fairly quickly! 

Once your pack has been chosen and paid for, all you have to do is let the artist in you express itself. 


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


Quick delivery