Nos plus beaux textes d'anniversaire 40 ans

Trouvez l'inspiration qui vous manque !

Carte avec texte d'anniversaire pour femme de 50 ans

Birthday card

Marquez ce jour spécial avec un texte d'anniversaire écrit sur une carte personnalisée !

  • format carte postale (10x15 cm) ou carte événement (14x14 cm) ;
  • Customizable to suit your preferences ; ✏️

  • Envelope included 💌

  • Printed in France. 🇬🇧

From 1,70 €.

Votre message d'anniversaire 40 ans de rêve n'est plus très loin !

Cette décennie, on en parle comme du loup blanc. Crise de la quarantaine pour certains, fleur de l'âge pour d'autres, elle fait jaser et suscite bon nombre de réflexions. Et vous, vous connaissez quelqu'un qui justement, va fêter ses 40 ans. Pour booster votre imagination et vous inspirer des mots puissants, notre plume a rédigé pour vous des textes d'anniversaire 40 ans qui sauront marquer le coup. Cette année, pas question de rendre page blanche : vos mots seront justes, touchants, drôles ou amicaux, selon la personnalité du futur quarantenaire. Pour contribuer à faire de ce jour un moment spécial pour votre ami(e), partenaire ou famille, découvrez ici des textes pleins de joie, de bonheur et de fête !

How to send your photos by card with Fizzer?

personalized postcard event card photo album Fizzer

Choose your best photos

Capture beautiful moments with your kids, choose a template and personalize your postcard with your own photos, or with photos of the newborn baby!


adding photos to a postcard or photo album

Add your message to your card

Once your photos are added, color your text and select the font of your choice. Personalize your stamp with a photo and sign with your fingertip!

personalized text with stickers

Select one or more recipients

Sending a card with Fizzer means having the opportunity to please the whole family! Add your contacts to your address book and select one or more recipients for the same card.


send fizzer postcard with envelope

Make people happy with a card in your image

Your card is stamped and sent in an envelope to protect your words and photos. Thus, your loved ones discover a real postcard in their mailbox, worthy of being displayed on the fridge!


Créez une journée merveilleuse en choisissant parmi ces 12 idées

AT 40 years we are in the middle age...or in full midlife crisis ! It is often said that great upheavals happen to this 40 year milestone. Installed in comfort gentle and reassuring, people in their forties sometimes start looking for the change. Every birthday is unique, but nothing more iconic than turning 40. Quarantine is also synonymous with beautiful projects: purchase of housing, expansion of the family with projects of children or adoption of domestic animals, evolution at work... For send birthday wishes to a 40-something, on often lacks good words to write a message. So even if there is nothing like a 100% customizable to send, you may need our help to formulate a message filled with birthday words fair and adequate for your favorite quarantine. So here are our 40th birthday text ideas. Thanks to your personalized card, vYou are going to make their day wonderful!

Rédigez un texte d'anniversaire 40 ans humoristique

birthday card for friends

À 40 ans ce n’est pas parce que l’on est responsable, plus mûr, parent ni même chef d’entreprise que l’on perd son sens de l’humour, bien au contraire, on est jeune dans sa tête. Alors, n’hésitez pas à faire rire vos proches avec un texte drôle ! 🙈

“Welcome to the quadras club”

Joyeux anniversaire ma Coco ! Bienvenue dans le club des quadras. Tu verras c’est plutôt sympa. Hâte d’aller célébrer ça avec toi autour d’un cocktail ou trois. Je t’embrasse bien fort, Jeanne

“Being 40 is 18 with 22 years of experience”

Happy birthday to my darling sister. To be 40 is to be 18 with 22 years of experience! You know me, I always see the glass half full. In any case, I feel that this year is going to be yours. Big hugs, Gaspard 

"At 40, you're not old, you're vintage"

Happy Birthday my love. I know you dreaded this age but tell yourself that at 40, you're not old, you're vintage. Like a super vinyl or a super classy leather jacket! And I find you more beautiful than ever. Your darling who loves you

Écrivez un texte d'anniversaire des 40 ans émouvant

carte pour souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire

Whether you wish a happy birthday to your spouse, a family member or a close friend, do not hesitate to show them your feelings. Personal and moving texts are always a real pleasure to read. 💖

« A 40 ans seulement tu es déjà… »

Happy Birthday darling ! At only 40 years old you are already a business manager, mother and owner of an adorable Labrador. And you make me the happiest of husbands. I love you very much, Matthew 

« Que cette journée te soit douce...»

Happy birthday to our beloved daughter. May this day be sweet and full of lovely surprises. We are proud and happy to see the woman you have become and we love you very much. Dad and mom

"May this long-standing friendship last"

Happy birthday to the best friend ever! I'm so glad we never lost touch during all these years. May this long-standing friendship continue for a long time. Have an excellent day ! Virginia 


Je crée mon texte d'anniversaire 40 ans

Trouvez un petit mot d'anniversaire simple

pour un mot d'anniversaire simple

Sometimes the best is the enemy of the good. No need to dig your brain too much, the important thing is to write a nice message. A card with a simple text will be perfect for the forty birthday of a colleague, acquaintance or even a loved one. 📝

“Full of successes and beautiful projects”

Dear Mr. Lelong, I wish you an excellent birthday. I hope that your 40 years will be accompanied by lots of successes and beautiful projects. Affectionately, Mr. and Mrs. Duchesne

"I'm glad to have met you recently"

Happy birthday Elodie! I wish you a very nice day. I am delighted to have met you recently and hope that you will remain with the team for a long time. Hugs, Clementine 

“Glad to see that life smiles on you”

Happy birthday Sami! 40 years old is a good age. I'm glad to see that life is smiling at you and I'm sure it's only just begun. See you soon and big kisses. Manuela

Composez un texte de quarantième anniversaire classique

texte anniversaire personnalisé

At 40, you have been back in active life for a while and you belong to lots of groups: colleagues, leisure or sports teams or, quite simply, your own family. Nothing is more fun for his birthday than to receive a common text from a group of loved ones that matters to us! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

"From the entire Marketing team"

Happy birthday from the entire Marketing team! Thank you for being such a cool manager, we hope to have you with us for a long time. Big hugs from everyone! 

“Happy birthday to our favorite defensive midfielder”

Happy birthday to our favorite defensive midfielder! What would we do without all your memorable passes? Enjoy your day with your family and see you soon at the next game. The whole team

“The whole family came together”

Dear Mylène, the whole family has come together to give you this gift. We hope you like it! Happy birthday and happy 40 years. Enjoy! We love you very much. The Durands, Renaults and Duprés 

Texte anniversaire douze ans

Delivery information

When you create a postcard, your order is processed within 24 business hours. Then, the Post Office takes over for delivery:

  • France and Europe: 2 to 6 working days
  • USA, Canada and Australia: 4 to 12 working days
  • Other destinations: 1 to 3 weeks

Product Information

  • Postcard format (10x15 cm - horizontal), premium card (15x10 cm - vertical) or greeting card (14x14 cm);
  • Postcard and premium card format : front/back, greeting card : 4 pages
  • paper postcard 330 g / greeting paper 280 g / premium card paper 300g ;
  • Envelope: included
  • Shipping costs : included worldwide
  • All products made in France 🇬🇧

Prêt(e) à rédiger ?


Need help? Questions? The Fizzer team will respond within 24h even on Sundays!

Since 2014

2 millions
Fizzer Fanatics

have sent

More than

3 million

per year

produits fizzer personnalisés

The Fizzer application, created in 2014, allows you to create personalized cards, such as announcements or birthday cards. No need to go to La Poste, we do everything for you. Printing, enveloping and postage. 

How does it work?

It is very simple. Connect to Fizzer on web, Android or iOS. Get credits, select the card format you like and then your favorite illustration. Add your photos (or select a card with illustration only), write a text, personalize your stamp and add your handwritten signature. Do you like the card? Select one or more recipients, validate and it's done. Your card is shipped within 24 business hours anywhere in the world. 

Pourquoi envoyer une carte pour son message d'anniversaire ?

Because age is not synonymous with indifference, quite the contrary. Even if birthdays at 40 are not the same as at 10, receiving a thoughtful card with a 40th anniversary text from loved ones or acquaintances is always heartwarming! So whatever birthday message or text you send will bring a lot of joy to the future 40-something!


Made in France


Imprim'vert certified paper


Customizable at will


Quick delivery